


2012. 4 channel HD video, syncstarting, loop. Video installation in the glass pavilion by Bernard Tschumi. Groningen, Hereplein. Video In the glass pavilion, that has a distinct skew, a perfect horizontal line of reflecting water was made visual on the long side of the glass walls. The pendant of this installation, the video installation ‘Illusion […]

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Video multiples


The evident importance of mobile communication

2012.  6 channel SD video, sync playing video multiple. 6 LCD screens 18 x 14 cm, mounted on a 121 x 81 cm MDF plate. Duration: 10 minutes, loop. Made in an edition of 3. video Six different people are walking while they are busy talking into their mobile phones. Their individual conversations can be […]

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Video multiples


Control 2

2012. 3 channel, sync playing hires video. 3 LCD screens 18 x 14 cm, mounted on an 83 x 36 cm MDF plate. Duration: 10 minutes, loop. Made in an edition of 3.   video A man, who is filmed from under the water, is swimming back and forth. His perfect swimming technique and the […]

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Video multiples


Unwanted Serenity 2

2012.  4 channel hires video, sync playing video muliple. 4 LCD screens 18 x 14 cm, mounted on the wall. Duration: 10 minutes, loop. Made in an edition of 3.   The work deals with the juxtaposed notions of natural serenity on one hand, against our human rationality on the other. On the 4 screens, […]

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Films / Video installations


Public Spaces – 3 channel installation version

2012. 3 channel SD-video. Sync-starting video installation. 10 minutes, looping.   video   This installation is an adaptation of the film/installation Public Spaces (2006) Once ‘public space’ was a clear concept. It was a kind democratic medium that could be accessed by everyone, safely and freely available for traffic between people. Now things have changed; […]

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Illusie van controle Damsterdiep 2 - MartijnVeldhoen

Illusion of control

2012 00:00 mintutes, loop, videoinstallation. video For the entrance/exit of a big parking, in a part of the former canal from Delfzijl to Groningen, a plan is realised that reenacts the water of the canal in an immaterial way. The parkings entrance/exit is situated near the old centre of the city of Groningen. The artwork […]

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In production: documentary Time and Place

2013. 35:00 minutes, documentary. The production started March 2013, and will be finished round March 2014. Making of: Recordings of first light Making of: Timelapse device The documentary tells the story of the period the family Veldhoen-Ruting lived in an 18th century house at the Bloemgracht in Amsterdam. During the 52 years (1958 – 2010) […]

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Films / Video installations



2010. loop, HD video, aspect ratio 16:9   BRIDGE at exhibition   BRIDGE Energetically and full of determination, a man walks over a bridge, among the busy traffic. The warm backlight and the sultry silhouettes of pedestrians, cars and buses suggest that this scene might be recorded in a southern country. However, the bits and […]

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Films / Video installations



2009. 6:00 minutes, SD video, aspect ratio 16:9 short film Trailer RE-constructions   RE-constructions ‘RE-constructions’ is a short and compact film about a young couple who are breaking up, and about what happens next. She leaves; he is left waiting. The voice-over, narrated by a man who presumably is already dead, reconstructs how it happened; […]

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Films / Video installations

Public-Spaces-still2 Martijn Veldhoen

Public Spaces

2006. 10:00 minutes, 35mm film and HDcam, aspect ratio 16:9   Trailer Public Spaces   Public Spaces Once ‘public space’ was a clear concept. It was a kind democratic medium that could be accessed by everyone, safely and freely available for traffic between people. Now things have changed; thanks to mobile communication systems, we carry […]

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